December 23, 2010

I Lost My Xanga...So I Got A Blog.

Alright, you caught me.  I started a blog...along with the rest of the world.  I was coerced.  I'm not very good at keeping up with things like this, but who knows.  It might just be another outlet I can utilize...or whatever it is kids use these days to replace xanga.  I must warn you now, I can be extremely wordy...or other times have nothing to say at all.  But you probably are just wondering who I am.  

When asked to describe myself, I generally use the word "real".  I am currently an apparel merchandising major at Oklahoma State University.  I'm a sarcastic, rather blunt individual who enjoys dry humor.  I am completely inspired and in awe of God's beauty.  Nature and the outdoors speak to me the most.  (I adore trees...especially weeping willows.) I have a passion for singing jazz music (any genre... but I prefer might see me singing out around Tulsa sometime).  I couldn't live without music of all kinds...except country...that I could live without.  I also enjoy dancing and acting.  I am mesmerized by art in all forms.  The different cultures of the world captivate me.  Crafting, sewing, and creating is a huge part of who I am.  But the thing that gets me through the day and feeds my souls as I grow through this life is Christ.  As I go through life's journey I have many goals I wish to accomplish (bucket list included).  You will hear of these in the coming months I'm sure, along with lists upon lists of things I love and hate.  I'm a list maker of all sorts.  I hope you don't mind a bit of sarcasm! I sort of say exactly what I think at times.  I'm a people watcher with many opinions and curiosities as to who people are and how they think and show emotion.  I'm curious, but quietly so.  I'm not much of a talker, more of a thinker and a writer as you can see.  I guess this also means I'll have to start taking pictures of myself like every other blogger... oh how I am not photogenic... 

What do I want this blog to look like? 
I sort of want it to be a combination of things.  As I said, I love art, music, fashion, dance, theatre, people, and nature.  I will probably just share my thoughts on these things, or random things I think of and see throughout the day.  I enjoy humorous anecdotes.  I intend to post inspiring photographs, songs that I'm currently loving, and trends in fashion, and whatever else I feel like putting on here.  It's a take it or leave it sort of thing.  You might hate it one day and love it the next... and I also might forget I have this and post infrequently on accident! :) We'll see how this whole blogging thing goes.  It's sort of a preparation for owning my own store one day and learning to blog it all.  Thank you Elsie Flannigan for being such an inspiration!!  If only I had a lovely name like her...oh well...maybe someday!  I hope you will enjoy peering through my lovely looking glass for a time.  


  1. you're blog is BEAUTIFUL and so are YOU! merry Christmas dear :]

  2. SO glad this is up and running!! Good for you. I'm excited to share in what inspires you.
