February 28, 2011


 Hello there. It's been awhile. School has been busy, so I apologize for the delay. As I am still busy, I don't exactly have a clear vision for this post... just a bunch of things mushed up into one. The word mush comes to mind because this last week I got my roommate Andie hooked on cream of wheat. It looks like a heap of mush, but it's actually quite tasty. A comfort food. But that's beside the point. Springtime is coming. I can feel it. So, after Valentine's day I bought my absolute favorite flowers. Pink ones at that. Tulips! They covered my room. It was happy. Along with springtime comes Easter, and Wal-Mart is great at stocking Easter candies early... meaning I got Robin's Eggs (whoppers)! I am still waiting on the Sweet Tarts shaped like chickens and ducks to appear... February also brought Adele's new album. If you haven't checked it out yet, you definitely should. It is fantastic!!! Well I don't have much else to post at the moment, but I will be back soon with the many ideas I have... I just needed a study break for now :) Enjoy!

Oh! I also finally got some silk scarves to wear! :)

February 15, 2011

Embracing Who Everyone Thinks I Am...

Whether you've met me or not, there may or may not be one question you're dying to ask me.  You guessed it... "Have you seen the movie the Shining?" Of course I have. It's a fantastic movie.  However, that's not their point. "You look just like the girl from that!!" (I try not to glare...) Has anyone stopped to think that you just told me I look like a crazed woman?! I seriously get stopped by strangers to be told that I look like none other than Shelley Duvall.  Ms. Duvall is a lovely, classy woman, but in the Shining she's rather frightening.  I think it's just the big eyes, dark hair and bangs. These are the images that pop into my head whenever someone asks me if I've seen the Shining. 
Don't get me wrong, it's a wonderful movie, but that image is just not what I want to think of myself as looking like! Then, a group of my friends decided that I look like Olive Oyl from Popeye. Guess what.  That's Shelley Duvall too! I cannot rock that hair-do...or the big shoes. 
So, I'd like to think that if people are going to say I look like Shelley Duvall, they think of these lovely photographs instead. :) 

February 14, 2011


Happy Black and Gray Day! 
(I cannot stand pink and red together.)
Even the sky is becoming gray as I sit outside the coffeeshop. 

Who says you have to have somewhere to go to get dressed up on Valentine's Day? I think these three are lovely. Also, Rhapsody has shared numerous Valentine's playlists with the public. I'll put a few of the ones I enjoyed on here for your listening pleasure. The titles of the playlists were cracking me up. To name a few--Chocolate: The Playlist, Love Bites: The anti-Valentine's Playlist, For Better or Worse: Songs of Marriage and Divorce, Obsess Much?.  Why would you mix marriage and divorce songs...? Anyway, have a Happy Valentine's Day! 

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February 13, 2011

The Little Things

I came across a magazine article over Christmas break called "One Small Thing." It asked, "what is the one small thing that makes you happy?"  The article listed things like umbrellas, puppies, hitting numerous green lights in a row, finding a stash of cash or finding post it notes that say "i love you".  Lately I've realized that you can't let all the little things in life that make you unhappy pile up and get to you.  Instead, we should look at all the little things that make us joyful.  I'd like to list a few of the tiny things that make me happy. 

1. Watching my mom make lists. She constantly gets onto me for making thousands of lists...but she does it herself! I blame her for my list-making.
2.  Finding candy in my backpack or purse that I forgot I put in there a few days ago.
3.  Seeing a beautiful sunrise in the morning on my way to class.  
4.  A smiling stranger. 
5.  Putting my iPod on shuffle and hearing a song that I love that I can sing loudly to that most other people would find embarrassing for you, or hate the song. 
6.  Unexpected letters. 
7.  The smell of rain. 
8. Crunching leaves and splashing in puddles. 
9.  Overhearing a funny conversation. 
10.  Hearing my dad laugh really hard at the scene in Dennis the Menace of Mr. Wilson slipping and flying around in the bathroom. 
11. Watching people laugh, smile, or sing to themselves. 
12. Knowing that a new holiday brings goodies I don't get all year long. Valentines day: candy hearts.  Halloween: candy corn. 
13.  Waking up to a good song. 
14.  Cuddling with my dog Jake. 

What small things make you happy?

February 11, 2011

Wardrobe Wishes

I wish that I was talented enough to make all of my own clothes... or really just have enough time in the day to do so.  It would save me a lot of money if I could just duplicate some of the designs I see others wearing without the designer price. But that's beside the point, here are some photographs of outfits that I adore this week. (No I don't want to dress like the guy, but I thought he had great style.) I wonder if I can pull of some of these styles...
I have a skirt similar to this that I haven't worn in years, but now that I see this, maybe I can find something in my closet to go with it. 
First of all, I love this girls' hair.  And her style is just adorable. 
Can I please have this dress?
Scarves as headwraps are "in" right now.  I would like to get a few in different patterns.  Also, her minidress is fantastic. 
Another beautifully dyed headwrap. 
Love: hair, scarf, blouse, handbag, shoes. 
I don't believe I've ever seen tights like this, but she makes it work. The combination of the blouse tucked into the skirt with a belt is super fun! 
This guy just knows what's going on in the style department. End of story.

Those are just a few peeks at what I'm loving at the moment!

February 9, 2011

The Weeping Willow Does Not Cry

For whatever reason, I'm not really sure why, I love weeping willow trees.  I always have.  Trees in general are a huge source of inspiration.  The way the breeze carries away the leaves, sending the branches back and forth.  With each season's change, a tree becomes a new sight--a new adventure.  When the sunlight shines on it and the wind blows its branches carelessly, it's almost as if it is human, telling it's own unique story.  The colors of the leaves are breathtaking.  There are so many kinds of awesome trees. I sound like a crazy person going on and on about them, but I really do find them magnificent.  

Someone once told me they found it depressing that the weeping willow is my favorite tree. Then I thought to myself, have you ever looked at a willow tree? I mean, really just stopped and taken in the way the branches dance in the wind. When I have a home of my own someday, I hope there is a willow tree.  Growing up, I can remember this particular weeping willow in a yard that I drove past on the way to school almost every day.  Now when I pass, I see that it is growing older and producing less leaves year after year.  While this may be sad for some, it is hopeful for me.  It gave me a sense of joy, peace and humbleness over the years. That's something I can't explain. 

The tree that sits at the corner of my front yard is a tree I have always adored. I love to sit on the rock underneath it and watch the cars go by. I found a new delight in the tree about a block from where I live in Stillwater now.  I'm not sure what kind it is, but it overlooks a pond, and the way the sunlight hits it is just pure perfection! I enjoy relaxing underneath these trees, thinking, praying, humming to myself, wondering at the people passing by, reading, or just enjoying nature at its finest. 

I guess what I'm trying to say is, sometimes it's the small things in life that make you smile.  That awful day you had is turned around completely with familiarity and a glimmer of hope and promise. For me, weeping willows and the gracefulness and architecture of trees are a special and matchless gift. Do you have something that you can relate to this? Maybe it just all started with Lion King and Rafik's tree!

Take a look at the snow-covered trees now, spring weather is on its way in about a week! :)

February 1, 2011

Inspiration: Movement. Art. Power. A Story.

I was snowed in... so I thought I'd share some more inspiration! Dance has always been a passion of mine, and an outlet for freedom of expression.  So, of course I watch So You Think You Can Dance. These are a few of my favorite dances that have either inspired me or tell a beautiful story through movement. I know it looks tacky with all these videos... but I feel the need to share... I'll try to categorize. Not all of the videos will work on here, so I put links. Enjoy the beauty. 

1. Hummingbird and Flower 
2. The Bench Dance
3. The Garden 

2.  Fix You
3.  If It Kills Me
4.  Gravity 
5.  The Bitter Earth 

1.  Hometown Glory
3. Mercy 

1.  Time Flies